Floral Shops
Phone Service For Florists
TieTechnology has been providing phone services for Flower Shops for almost 15 Years.
We are able to provide Screen pops with MAS, RTI, Quickflora, Mercury and Dove.
We are proud to share some of our customers with you.

AZ Family Florist
We’ve been customers of Tie Technology since 2015. Not only do they provide the latest in phone technology, but their attention to detail and customer service is exceptional. We can call or email Jim any time of the day, on weekends and he is there for us. Our business is 7 days a week and we are open 360 days out of the year so it’s comforting to know that if there is an emergency – we can call Jim & his team and they will help! I highly recommend Tie Technology!
Brad & Cheryl Denham
Arizona Family Florist
Phoenix, AZ

Caruso Florist
TieTechnology has had my business for 7 years. We had major issues with Windstream and our Old Phone system. When they made the recommendation that we make the switch to their White Glove Services, I never thought that we could get the savings and the support we needed. They under promised and over delivered. Hands down they have the best phone service and support of anyone we have ever dealt with.
Tim Caruso
Caruso Florist

Lone Star Bloom
Since developing a relationship with TieTechnology we have been able to reduce operating expenses at every location with out sacrificing call quality. I have worked with Jim from TieTechnology for over 5 years and the support my team has received is far and above and Phone company I have done business with.
Kyle Brown
Lonestar Bloom
City Line Florist
Jim Is always a quick phone call or quick email away to answer any questions immediately. TieTechnology is a breath of fresh air after having difficulty finding the right phone system and service that would fit our needs. We would highly recommend TieTechnology for all florist and industry members.
Nicole Palazzo
City Line Florist
Mary Murrays Flowers
Our 3 year constant battle with our phones was totally eliminated the day we received our new phones from TieTechnology. We literally plugged the phones in and all our problems were solved. Not one single issue. Easy to use and crystal clear reception. Absolutely recommend for any size shop.
Nicki Argo
Mary Murray's Flowers
French Florist
Jim and Tie Technologies have been helping me with my phone service for over 2 years now and I have been very impressed and appreciative of their level of knowledge and caring and commitment to service during the time I have been doing business with them. I would definitely recommend them for anyone in need of phone service assistance.
Steve Jacobson
French Florist
WaterMill Flowers
OMG, True Customer Service, what a breath of fresh air! It's so crucial that our customers can reach our flower shop, especially during the holiday rush of Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Christmas. The floral business is a cyclical one and the holidays are a make or break in the flower business. When searching for a new phone system we needed a system that could handle the volume of calls at holidays, of course, but even more importantly we needed a telecom business partner that felt as strongly about their customers and customer service as we feel about ours. We get that level of service & support with Tie Technology. Our system was customized to our current needs and it is able to grow with us as business demands change too. It's a mental safety net to have their strong level of support and expertise.
Tom Dowd
Watermill Flowers
Four Seasons Flowers
It was a year long process for me to switch over to a new phone system. Jim was very patient and understanding and helped me through the transition. Jim walked me through all the changes, additions and upgrades that I would be receiving and through it all my monthly phone bill went down. I was impressed with all the customer service he provided. We had an issue when we installed and he backed up his product 100%. He sent out replacement phones within a week and rectified the situation as quickly as humanly possible. I would recommend Jim and his company, truly an honest business man who always answers his phone and emails. Thank you Jim for the transition!!!!
Carma White
Four Seasons Flowers
South Florals Group
If you're tired of dealing with phone companies and their contracts not to mention their lack of flexibility and non existent customer service Then TieTechnology is for you. We highly recommend them to any shop.
Danny Sanchez
Founder & CEO
South Florals Group
Started in 2002 by Telecom Industry Executives and built around a common core belief that service is the missing entity to the customer experience, TieTechnology specializes in business services that include: VoIP Business phone service, cloud solutions, merchant cash advance, credit card processing and online marketing strategies to form a wide array of one stop solutions that allow customers to do what they do best. Run their businesses.
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